The group studies efficient algorithms that enable intelligent spaces and interaction, including on-body and environmental sensing, usable security, optimization and machine learning methods.
The group studies efficient algorithms that enable intelligent spaces and interaction, including on-body and environmental sensing, usable security, optimization and machine learning methods.
Engineering analytics is concerned with the techniques and tools for desiging, monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing functions, performance, data quality, elasticity, and uncertainties associated with systems, software, data and services.
Engineering analytics is concerned with the techniques and tools for desiging, monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing functions, performance, data quality, elasticity, and uncertainties associated with systems, software, data and services.
Our research focuses on the challenges brought by the large growth in data volumes through digitalization of society, and the huge increase in connected devices through Internet of Things (IoT).
Group develops communications, information and teletraffic theory and conducts fundamental and applied experimental research in communications and networking technology, as well as business and user aspects of the technology and services.
Bionic and Rehabilitation Engineering (BaRE) research group investigates engineering techniques for human-machine interfacing in order to support, augment and rehabilitate human motor function.
Games are a multidisciplinary field, and our research interests include physics simulation, procedural animation, control optimization, AI, full-body human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented realities, games and learning.
Autonomous systems group has been conducting hands-on research on physical heavy-duty semi-autonomous machines and autonomous mobiles robots, mainly in agriculture and forestry, for more than two decades. The group specializes in situational awareness, machine perception, SLAM, path planning, navigation, model predictive control, and multi-robot systems related issues in dynamic environments.
Research of the group focuses to sensor informatics, adaptive signal processing, and data fusion systems especially for medical applications. Other applications include smartphone sensor fusion, robotics, positioning systems, target tracking, biomedical imaging and many other indirectly measured time-varying systems.
The Robotic Instruments group develops advanced robotic systems beyond the current boundaries and definitions of robotics, including acoustic robotics, soft matter robotics, magnetic robotics, etc.