Mobile Robotics
Mobile Robotics group focuses on enabling autonomous physical agents to safely, successfully, and legibly operate in dynamic environments shared with humans.
Mobile Robotics group focuses on enabling autonomous physical agents to safely, successfully, and legibly operate in dynamic environments shared with humans.
Our research is focusing on transport and application layer aspects. In conjunction with this, we work towards understanding user behavior (mobility, network and service interactions) and traffic patterns in the Internet through measurements and modeling and on the impact of network performance on user quality of experience.
The focus areas of the research in our group is on various aspects of information technology applications in industrial automation. We are investigating enablers of future smart factories, commonly known as 4th industrial revolution or Industry 4.0.
Group performs research in robotics, computer vision and machine learning.
The group heavily works on Mobile Network Softwarization and Service Customization.
Our research focuses on the challenges brought by the large growth in data volumes through digitalization of society, and the huge increase in connected devices through Internet of Things (IoT).
Our research connects spatial planning and transportation engineering for developing new scientific knowledge needed in systemic understanding, problem-solving, and integrative planning and policy-making beyond sectoral boundaries, aimed at achieving human-centered living environments.
The group studies computational methods for improving user interfaces, including modeling, optimization, and machine learning methods.
The main objective of this line or research is to develop the framework on how to treat the interplay between communications and control to solve distributed control and optimization problems arising in distributed systems and in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), in general.
Our current research focuses on the foundations of distributed computing. The key research question is related to the concept of locality in the context large computer networks.